Choose your objectives or skills, and deliver teaching.
- Browse the Objectives section under Maths in your Teacher Home. Use filters for year and domain or objective.
- Select objective or skill for pupil practice. You can search for specific keywords in the search bar.
"Assign" in Freckle.
- Customise the type of Targeted Practice you want to assign from the Objectives Page or reports.
- Pick the skill, number of questions and the pupils you want to assign practice to.
Analyse reports immediately.
- Click View Report in Tasks Page for the most recent task you have given. For specific pupils, you can click into individual pupil scores to see their answers relative to the correct answers.
- Click on the blue arrow to see pupil scores by question. Targeted Practice will assign the same set of questions to all pupils, so you can norm pupil results against one another.
Differentiate additional practice and assessment.
- After analysing results, you can "Reassign" on the Task Report.
- For those who have mastered the task, you can assign a longer set of questions for pupils to practise while you work with those who need help.
- Re-teach in a small group to those who did not achieve your desired mastery score and then reassign a "Mini Ticket" (3 questions).
Save your results.
- Print out your "Task Report" or save a digital copy. Then use this data for IEPs, classwide progress monitoring or for pupil files.