Freckle Maths Practice (whether Adaptive Practice, Targeted Practice or a Benchmark Assessment) aims to provide pupils with diverse question types. In doing this, we believe that we can better assess pupil understanding and speak to pupil abilities. We also acknowledge how important school network and county-wide testing is, and therefore, we have built our program to mirror many of the question types pupils see on these tests (think end-of-year assessments).
So . . . what types of questions will your pupils see on Freckle? Let us take a look.
All question types will have a Submit button, but it only appears once an answer is selected.
Question Type #1: Multiple Choice
Multiple choice questions ask pupils to pick ONE correct answer (listed at the bottom).
Question Type #2: Multiple Answer
Multiple answer questions may have one or more than one correct answer (listed at the bottom). Pupils must select the correct answers by clicking on them and then selecting Submit when ready.
Question Type #3: Type-in
Type-in questions require pupils to actually type their answer into a text box. Only numbers can be entered into the text box. If the answer to the question, for example, is 12 square centimetres, pupils will just type 12 into the box. Once a pupil is ready to submit their answer, they can press the Enter key on the keyboard. Note: There are no type-in questions for Years 1 and 2.
Question Type #4: Drag & Drop
Drag and drop questions require pupils to use the computer mouse (or their finger on an iPad or tablet) to actually drag answer choices and drop them into categories. When pupils believe they have sorted all of the answer choices correctly, they can select the green Submit button. Note: There are no drag and drop maths questions for Years 1 and 2.
Question Type #5: Graphs
Graph questions ask pupils to place points on a graph to solve a variety of equations and functions (functions, linear functions, linear inequality functions, exponential equations and quadratic equations). Where appropriate, function lines are drawn on the graph based on the pupil's point placement, and the lines update dynamically when the pupil moves, adds or removes points. For linear inequality functions, the pupil can also toggle the line between solid and dashed and choose which parts of the graph should be shaded. Note: There are no graphing questions for Years 1–6.
Question Type #6: Complete the Table
Complete the table questions present the pupils with an incomplete proof in tabular form. The pupil uses drop-down lists within the table to select statements and reasons to fill in the missing parts of the proof. When pupils believe they have selected the correct options to complete the proof, they can select the green Submit button. Note: There are no Complete the Table questions for Years 1–6.
All questions in Years 1–6 have audio that can be read aloud to pupils.
If a pupil's language is set to Spanish, they will be able to toggle the language of both Adaptive Practice and Targeted Practice questions between Spanish and English.