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Freckle UK
Teacher Home Guide
Teacher Home Guide
Getting Started
How do I choose my school affiliation?
How does Tasks First Mode work?
How are the scores in the activity feed calculated?
How do you calculate time practised on Freckle?
Viewing Data
What data can I see on Report Cards?
How do I share a pupil’s data with another teacher?
What Fact Practice data can I see?
What maths reporting and data is available on Freckle?
What data can I see on the Assessments Report?
What data can I see on the Class Grouping Report?
What data can I see on the Pupil Target Setting report?
Assessments & Assignments
How can I assign assessments to my pupils?
What can I do on the Objectives page?
What can I do on the Printables page?
How can I remove an incomplete task given to a pupil?
How do pupils practise Focus Skills?
How can I assign Freckle practice to my pupils?
What can I do on the Class List page?
How do I separate my class list into multiple classes?
How do I transfer a pupil or class list to another teacher?